Slow Down & Shut Down

Shutting down a computer is easy. There’s a button somewhere on the case or laptop, and elsewhere there exists an option within the OS. Find either of them and after a quick click the computer is shutting down.

Computers are fairly complex systems. Quite a bit goes into their operation and some procedures must be followed before its lights out. Once the command is triggered by us the operating system is notified, it’s time to begin the process.

First applications begin to close, anything running is going to be given a chance to save data and cleanup ensues. Writing to files, saving settings, and other tasks initiate at this time. User accounts are logged off, data is managed and essential system services are shut off in an orderly manner. Drives begin to unmount and checks are made to ensure no data transfer is ongoing. Hardware is powered down and finally a complete power off.

Human beings are just as interesting and even more complex than computers but we commonly launch ourselves from action to inaction when we go to bed at night. It might be wise to learn from computers and implement your own little shutdown process. In doing so we ready ourselves for a good night’s rest and reap the benefits of what we sow over time.

Take care and thank you for stopping in,


“Cessation from mental activity is the greatest remedy that nature has devised.” Cato

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