Building the Forum

If you’re looking for answers to life’s problems a lot of times the solutions can be found hidden right in front of us. Sometimes you’ll find teachings scrawled upon the planet in the form of nature. There are plenty of lessons hiding among Earth’s most intelligent creatures and if we are wise we can learn to keep eye and ear to what’s abound so that we too may benefit from what there is to learn.

Like birds to nests, fish to corals to forming reefs, or rabbits and foxes to burrows and dens we too can reap benefit for creating a space for ourselves. In the very act of setting aside a physical place within our lives for something like study we erect a reminder in our daily lives of what we’d like to be doing. If whatever it is matters so much to us to have us modify our environment in pursuit of whatever that may be its surely a worthy cause to continue working toward seeing its end.

When a fox returns to its den it likely feels safe and at ease. When we sit at our study we with time begin to feel more focused, ready to learn, and engage. Just as applying grease to a joint assists it with ease, finding our place at home to do what we’ve set out to do increases our utility just the same.

Take care friends and thank you for stopping in,


“The roots of education are biter, but the fruit is sweet.’ Aristotle

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