
When we approach things in life we are naturally inclined to wish to make best of what we do. Overall we would like to aim for a good outcome, an adequate one nonetheless. This could be said for just about anything we take on, the matter at hand could vary widely from something as simple as wiping the mirror clean in the bathroom to spinning a bowl into existence at the head of a potter’s wheel. No mind the lot, we’re inclined to wish for a good outcome.

This is generally a good thing and it can be said to have saved many of us a headache or two. Without this thinking we may go without brushing our teeth as well as we should be or we might even leave the house with untied shoes. This is good and well but it would be wise to take note of this type of wishing when it comes to specific things. The things in life worth doing tend to revolve around a particular skill or maybe even a whole class of them.

These skills are built over a period of time. Rarely does a writer set to paper conjuring up a masterpiece on the first go. Even a seasoned writer must edit their work, it’s part of the process. Bodybuilders aren’t painting their physique with one trip to the gym or one weight lifted off the floor. It takes repetition. Time is required between the moment we set out to attain and the attainment. By focusing too much on the result and not the refinement of the process the repetitive nature of the act at hand, such as the bodybuilder paying his dues to a set of thirty curls, we can find our growth stifled.

Our responsibility as a doer is to show up. Follow the process and grow from it. The seed watered regularly grows into a beautiful plant. We don’t have to hover over the planted pot to watch it grow. Showing up, watering the plant, and leaving it to do what it does is more than enough. If we treat ourselves the same as an experiment we too may find that we end up in a beautiful place with our results in the end.

Take care friends,


“Energy & persistence conquer all things.” – Benjamin Franklin

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