Ta eph’hemin, ta ouk eph’hemin

We live in an interconnected world. In modern times we span the globe connecting household to household through the magic of the internet. Lines pass one another under cities and lay across vast stretches of ocean in silence to meet solid ground on the other side. All of this brings us closer as a species than we’ve ever been. Before it would be the work of magic to be able to send someone a message in an instant from the United States to Europe but now we take it for granted.

Humans are just one part of the interesting dance encompassing this strange blue orb we reside on. There are others that play beside us and take part in their own activities, ants for example. A singular ant is part of a larger colony just as a singular human is to the larger whole. The ant carries out various tasks that contribute to the colony as a whole. This may include things like foraging, caring for the young, maintaining the nest, or even defending against attackers alongside his peers.

The ant has a purpose just as we have a purpose but the ant doesn’t have too much say in what he’s to do as an ant. The colony demands what it must of him and he takes his place upon the lot to make things work. As humans we may at times feel like this is the case for us but we aren’t exactly an ant. To varying degrees we’ve got the ability to strategize and make choices for ourselves. Our purpose is not precisely defined and nailed to a board by birth.

Prior to this blog post we’ve touched on the importance of goals but how exactly do we set out an array of goals for ourselves aligning with a larger purpose? Sure we may be interested in maintaining our health but what about partaking in an interest to change the trajectory of our lives to fulfill a purpose? We, unlike ants, have the power to raise the mast in a high order to set ourselves forward toward this type of fulfillment.

A purpose is something that must be developed. It isn’t as straight forward as pulling a number from a hat or maybe putting the keys into the ignition of a vehicle. To find our purpose we’ve got to do a bit of soul searching, it takes time. The idea of finding your “purpose” may seem  off putting, confusing or maybe even unlikely but rest assured that the answers will come to you if you will them to. It all starts with the creation of goals. In the creation of goals we must ask ourselves what we value or gain satisfaction from.

Begin to mull over that question and write down what you come to find. This will help you figure up some goals for yourself to get started. If you derive satisfaction from being able to stay on top of things, what might contribute to you staying on top of things? Would writing down and monitoring your finances help you? Ok, then write that down under that value. Now you can create a plan with that information, when and where are you going to start tracking your finances to move you closer to staying on top of things? Make it measurable, can you track your progress? Do this with a few desires of yours and you don’t have to tackle them all at once. Just play and find your ground.

Don’t worry too much about the concrete nature of these values because this is a process of an unfolding nature. The only way to get to the center of what we’re looking for is to start somewhere and this is how we do it. For most people our purpose isn’t going to jump straight out at us. Something as simple as having a ton of money, fame, or power is too cliché. Look deeper than that, look into yourself and ask what you value. Has society made you feel like having a ton of money and power is a value or is that something you thought up? Only you can answer that question.

Keep in mind that this is only just the beginning of finding your purpose. Over a period of time you’ll get more clear about what you value in life if you’re just starting. When you nail down what you truly feel in your heart to be what you enjoy doing, your purpose becomes something more visible and tangible. Ask yourself what might bring you closer to fulfilling this purpose and draw up some goals to sail forth. Be passionate about what you’re doing while you are doing it and don’t feel tied down to one purpose, it’s okay to change paths, we learn and grow by putting one foot in front of the other.

Take care friends,


“This moment is not your life, it’s just a moment in your life. Focus on what is in front of you, right now. Ignore what it “represents” or it “means” or “why it happened to you”. There is plenty else going on right here to care about any of that.” – Ryan Holiday

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