Stay Awhile & Listen

These days people’s opinions and perspectives are a dime a dozen. On any ordinary day we’ve the opportunity to reach into many another person’s frame of reference if they so choose to allow us to do so. They could share a piece of their mind with us on the internet, on a billboard, in a book, or even on the television. It goes without saying that you can find just about any viewpoint out here somewhere.

A persons perspective could be said to cast its own shadow for others to see. This shadow represents an idea of the person behind it but it’s not quite them. Often times when we come across such a shadow, maybe what we’ve gathered from hearsay or from bits they’ve shared publicly, it’s easy to build up a whole story about the person behind it that may not be entirely based on fact. It may be wise to lend an ear to on occasion to those you deem unworthy as they too can harbor important lessons and you could find that they are not as you made them up to be.

Take care friends,


“The best way to keep good acts in memory is to refresh them with new.” – Cato the Elder

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